Functional Medicine Support and Guidance for Women With Hormonal Imbalance
Do you find it difficult to achieve a healthy weight and maintain it? Even with all your dieting and exercise efforts…
Do you suffer from painful and heavy periods?
Do you experience debilitating PMS or PMDD?
Do you suffer from frequent migraines especially around your period?
Do you suffer bloating around your period?
Do you suffer from constipation or diarrhea?
All these conditions are interconnected and all point to hormonal imbalance
With proper nutrition and supplementation along with healthy lifestyle modifications these symptoms can be resolved naturally
My passion is helping women through diet and nutrient repletion to improve their overall quality of life. I specialize in Hormone imbalances, including thyroid and adrenal dysfunction, as well as digestive issues.
The results you can expect when you work with me…

Maintain a healthy weight once and for all

After reviewing your clinical presentation and complete workup utilizing functional testing determine the underlying causes of your symptoms

Eliminate any trigger foods from your diet and incorporate foods that nourish your individual biochemical make-up (yes we are all different and need an individualized plan) so that you can stop the vicious cycle of going to the doctor and being prescribed more and more medicine when diet and lifestyle modifications is a more viable and long-term solution

Develop simple and quick meal plans along with delicious recipes to easily incorporate into your busy lifestyle so that you can live life to the fullest and not spend all your free time in the kitchen

Improve your sleep, incorporate physical activity, and strategies for stress management so that you can have more energy throughout the day

We will work together to implement small, digestible (no pun intended) changes along the way so that you can sustain these modifications long term to maintain a healthy weight and gain control over your health